
There are many types of fly that cause problems in the UK.  Flies breed and feed in unsanitary conditions where their larvae feed on decaying organic matter.  Contamination agents survive on the outside body, gut and blood system and can cause diseases including many lower respiratory and urinal tract infections and acute gastro- enteritis type complaints.

Common House Fly

Females lay their eggs (up to 150) in rotting vegetation and drains.  The eggs hatch into Larvae after only one or two days (white legless maggots) for approximately one week before pupating for roughly one to two weeks when the fully grown adult emerges.  The adult can mate after only four days resulting in the prompt development of swarms.

Common House Fly

Blowflies – Green or Blue bottles

Adults often lay eggs in the body of a dead animal, vermin or birds.  These eggs also hatch in one or two days into Larvae and have the same life cycle as the Common House Fly.


Stable Fly

Similar to housefly in appearance, Breeds in long grass, straw or grass cuttings, but bites people and animals

Stable Fly

Cluster Fly

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Cluster Fly


An integrated management approach is necessary when dealing with flies and will alter depending on need, as a domestic property has different requirements to that of a restaurant which needs to comply with legislation.  Methods include:-

  • Insecticide sprays – both knockdown and residual can be used
  • Deep cleaning / good hygiene
  • Proofing with screens
  • Electronic Fly Killers (EFK’s)
Custer Flies

If flies are a problem, call Little Monster on 07932 224 370 to go through any requirements and discuss a treatment plan.