
Cockroaches can be a problem in the home or in commercial properties with kitchens being a favourite location.  Within the UK there are generally two species of cockroaches commonly found:


The Oriental Cockroach (Blatta orientalis) is darker brown and larger at 17-32mm long and found in cooler damp areas like basements and cellars.  Their ootheca holds around 16 eggs and hatches between 2-3 months.  The Oriental cockroach is not a good climber and is normally found near floor level.

Oriental Cockroach


German Cockroach


The German Cockroach (Blattella germanica) is light brown and 11-16 mm long when fully grown.  All Cockroaches have a purse-shaped egg case called an ootheca.  The German cockroach carries the ootheca almost until hatching point (approx.. 1 month) when up to 40 mini offspring emerge.  The German cockroach is a good climber and can walk up glazed tiles therefore can be found almost anywhere in a property.

Cockroach treatment in both commercial and residential properties has become simpler with the general use of specific cockroach baits.  The benefits include discrete treatment where a ‘cascade effect’ can be developed where the insects infect themselves.  The key to treatment is to find the source of the infestation.

Call Little Monster on 07932 224 370 for a free quotation.